Sunday, March 9, 2014

Why would Jesus be tempted?


Is it because Satan thought Jesus was weak?

To test Jesus?

To trick Jesus into sinning?

Let’s look at Matthew 4:1-11 and Luke 23:35-43.


When reading Matthew 4:1-11we find that Jesus was empowered and led by the Holy Spirit. God’s will was for Jesus to go into the wilderness. In the wilderness Jesus fasted for 40 days to prepare for his ministry.  In Luke’s version of this story, Luke states that Jesus was hungry, oh man I would have been too... 40 days!


Then something strange happens. The devil comes to tempt Jesus 3 times.  At Quake tonight, Josh and Courtney will be sharing from Matthew 4:1-11 on Jesus being tempted by Satan in the wilderness. It’s a familiar, yet interesting story. Come tonight and find out what it is all about!!!


Also, Jesus is tempted in Luke 23:35-43, while he is on the cross by those crucifying him mocked him and told him to save himself (v 35-38). Jesus had the power and ability to save himself, yet gave himself up as an sacrifice for mankind. Even one of the criminals on a cross next to Jesus hurled insults at him (v29). Jesus died a shocking and horrific death, so we might be saved from our sin and restored into right relationship with God. At any time, Jesus could have changed this, but he insisted on doing the Father’s will.


Was Jesus weak? No. Jesus had the power and authority no one else on earth ever had. See Matthew 28:18. He healed, drove out demons, calmed raging seas, resurrected people, lived a perfect life, and was raised from the dead.


Did he pass the test? What do you think? Reread Matthew 4:1-11.  


Was he tricked into sinning? No, he defeated temptation. God gives the power and way of any temptation. See 1stCorinthians 10:13 and James 1:12-18.

Grace and peace to you today,


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