Sunday, March 16, 2014

Temptation is not the same as sin!

How often do we forget that this in our lives:
Temptation is not the same thing as sin!

Each one of us are tempted daily. Know that this common to all mankind (1 Cor 1:13). Not a day goes by that I am not tempted to do wrong. In the prayer Jesus' teaches us to pray in Matthew 6, he tells us to pray "forgive us our debts" and to "lead us not into temptation." The debt he mentions is our sin that we have committed. The temptation is not sin, but what can lead to sin if we submit to the temptation. Jesus wants us pray for power and wisdom to not fall to the temptation. Since sin in is any voluntary act of transgression of the known law of God. If we do sin, God is gracious and will forgive us. That is the good news we have through Jesus Christ. The perfect Savior, who was sinless became sin for us! (2 Cor 5:21)

Jesus was tempted in every way that we are, yet he was without sin (Heb 4:15). Jesus himself was tempted just after fasting in wilderness by the Devil (Matthew 4:1-11) and yet never succumb to sinning, because he remained faithful to God. He quoted Scripture to each attack by Satan. Jesus overcame temptation and lived a sinless life.

One of the greatest lies Satan tells today is that if we have temptation then we are sinning. He tries to defeat us by using his power to tempt us. Do NOT believe the lie that is not the case! Although, Satan is the one who tempts us (James 1:13-14).

Let us live free of the fear of temptation by knowing these three things: 
1. That we do not have to fall to temptation through watching yourself and prayer (Matthew 26:41).
2. That God will provide a way out (1 Cor 1:13)
3. That we can be blameless until he comes back! (1 Thess 5:23)

See you at Quake tonight at 6pm! Doors open at 5:30pm for Open Gym!
*Sign up for Text Reminders: see right column for more details
*Quake Lenten Photo Challenge: #temptation #quakelent2014


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